Category Archives: Social Innovations

Sponsor Profile: LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

When we think of LUSH Cosmetics, we think of organic ingredients, handmade bubble bars, and candlelit baths, and with LUSH’s commitment to look after the world we live in, we couldn’t be happier to welcome them back as a sponsor for the 2012 Projecting Change Film Festival. We’re sure you’ve all had a LUSH Bath Bomb fizzling in your tub, but have you ever taken a peek at their We Believe statements or their Green Policy? You’ll appreciate that sweet [...]

Sponsor Profile: Vancity does it green

It’s our sponsors that truly make our film festival happen, and we’re excited to share with you how Vancity is involved with the Projecting Change Film Festival this year. Banking makes the world go round. We couldn’t do without it if we tried. So why wouldn’t we want to pick a bank that keeps our world healthy? With over 479,500 members entrusting them with $16.1 billion of assets, Vancity is Canada’s largest credit union. All you have to do is [...]

Introducing “Global Sorority” by the Passion Foundation

Guest Blog by:  Loretta Cella, Founder, The Passion Foundation With International Women’s Day here, and so many amazing stories being told of women young and old, it gives us a wonderful opportunity to re-engage and align from a place of change. There is a remarkable trend amongst global organizations who are focusing on a more positive gender balance for a better tomorrow. Women and men around the globe are now understanding how a dynamic shift in the way women lead, [...]

Tokens of Appreciation campaign launches

We’ve just launched a new fundraising campaign to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Projecting Change Film Festival. It’s called Tokens of Appreciation, and its mission is to provide access to the festival experience to people in our community. Why tokens? No paper, no tickets, no printing. Instead we give each festival attendee a token they trade for entrance to the theater at each screening. By purchasing a Token, you are not buying yourself a ticket to the festival (but [...]

Projecting Change With Peace Geeks

I originally met Renee Black while conspiring on some social media plans for the Engineers Without Borders All Candidates Debate. At some point during our development conversations Renee’s most recent project, Peace Geeks came up. I was intrigued…. so of course booked Renee in for a Projecting Change interview… check out the Question & Answers below! Q: How are you projecting change? I am working with an amazing volunteer team on the start-up of a new non-profit called Peace Geeks. [...]

Change Projectors 2011

A full week has passed since the conclusion of Projecting Change Film Festival 2011, and we are still in awe of all the fabulous films we’ve had the privilege of showcasing this year. Throughout the festival and beyond, we’ve received incredible praise of each and every film by our festival patrons. It’s great to hear that everyone had such a positive viewing experience and that these films have inspired many of us to action and change! In particular, this year’s [...]

Live From The Festival – Projecting Change 2011

Day one of Projecting Change Film Festival was an absolute blast. We rocked off the morning with Youth Day and two sold out showings of What’s on Your Plate? and The Clean Bin Project. A definite morning highlight was watching Olympic athlete Zach Bell delivering an inspiring speech to a fixated crowd of eager young minds. 700 students exited the SFU Woodwards post films ramped up to take action and armed with Projecting Change 2011 loot bags! The atmosphere was [...]

Hemlock Printers You’ve Probably Seen Their Work Around Town!

If you’ve seen any of the promotional material for the Projecting Change Film Festival that’s happening this weekend, it’s all thanks to Hemlock Printers. The Burnaby-based company that’s been winning awards for its practices in sustainability was responsible for printing and donating all of the posters, cards, and pamphlets for the event. And all of it was done in carbon-neutral fashion. I (Bryce Tarling) was asked to put together a brief interview with the company to learn more about what [...]

Ben West From The Wilderness Committee

Ben West = Awesome Guy. I tend to speak fairly highly of everyone I interview, this is not because I’m flagrant with praise, it’s because I only ask awesome people for interviews. That being said Ben West is a true pleasure. His work at the Wilderness Committee is indispensable to preserving the stunning wild beauty of Vancouver and the West Coast. I’ve labeled some of our Projecting Change interviewees ‘Planet Fighters’ although Ben is definitely a Planet Fighter a more [...]

Epic Expo Recap – From Behind the Lens

Bryce Tarling gives us a recap on the events of The Vancouver Sun Sustainable Living Expo – from behind the lens of his camera to the front row with Strombo. EPIC Expo was a huge success this past weekend as thousands of people flooded Vancouver’s Trade and Convention Centre to learn more about sustainable development and about what they can do to help project change. I thought I would show up early on Saturday morning, but when I arrived, the [...]